Transport & Logistics
Drijan Transport & Logistics provides land transport services guided by principles of smart logistics. Our solutions are suitable for importers and exporters the world over – and we operate and maintain the required partnerships in order to back you up. Furthermore, Drijan agencyes are located at every customs,seaport and airport in Albania, thus quickly and safely taking care of cargo transportation from its origin to its destination.
Our goal is to provide you with a comprehensive service package and assist you in attaining your goals – and we are certain that we can meet your requirements and expectations.
Time Deliveries
Global Supply
High Growth
The Advantages of
Drijan Transport & Logistics
Our company fully understands the needs of exporters and importers who participate in international commerce. Over the years we have gained significant experience in allocating transportation services for customers of all sizes – and we have the appropriate tools for accompanying you via sea, air, and land.
Tailor-Made Services Save You Time and Money
When transportation and logistics services are being tailor-made just for you, reducing costs and saving time do integrate. As part of our service, we will assign a skillful representative who will explain how to choose between different transportation solutions and the right manner in which to store your equipment and products. If needed, we can even pack hazardous waste for you and transport it according to the strictest safety standards.
Strengthening Your Supply Chain
Naturally, a supply chain is composed of many different links. Every link influences the chain’s strength and cohesion, but the main priority of your supply chain should be transportation and logistics. In this sense, land transport represents the link that will determine whether or not your supply chain can meet your goals and targets. Upgrading the transportation link can strengthen your supply chain and compete with other international exporters and importers. This is where we step in – and we would be happy to add you to our long list of satisfied customers.
Transportation Services for All Types of Cargo
Centralizing a wide variety of logistic solutions under one roof enables us to offer transportation solutions for all types of cargo. We transport regular cargo, hazardous cargo, security cargo, and exceptional cargo. We will keep you updated in real time regarding the transport itself – and make sure that it will be carried out in the best possible manner.
Land Transport Services That Maintains Your Reputation
Significant experiences teach us just how much can a correct choice of transportation and logistics solutions affect your image. If you wish to export or import products – you must find an appropriate logistical system – and we will be happy to assist: our professionals understand the importance transportation services and we will do everything so that your containers are not delayed. Moreover, at our service are storage containers that will keep your equipment safe until it’s transported, as well as professional staff members who specialize in delivering goods and packages to the customer’s doorstep.
Advanced Logistics Services
We provide smart logistics services which are tailor-made to your needs. At Drijan Transport & Logistics you’ll find a variety of advanced services which include: